The Summer Body Project: Strawberry Included Recipes

The big question of life: how can one eat a lot and stay in shape at the same time? As far as we know, it is not impossible. But it requires some creativity and a lot of seasonal fruits. I mean, strawberries. A huge amount of strawberries.

We collected the best fitfoods from all around the internet. If you want your waist to be skinnier instead of your wallet, we have got you covered. If you adore these little red bastards, and you are willing to taste new combinations we have got you covered. And if you are just bored and love some tasty food pictures, welcome aboard!

Strawberry Oatmeal Bars

Oatmeal bars make the perfect middays snacks: they are packed with nutrions and keep you full for a long time. Especially when they are made using nothing but fresh, natural ingrediens. This version from wellplated made with strawberries will make you want to skip meals and eat nothing but snacks all day.

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

The classic summer cooler, with a little healthy twist. Follow the instructions of Just a Taste to make the best guilt free ice cream – without using ice cream maker, killing too much time or needing special skills.

Spinach Salad With Strawberry

These recipes are not for those who love desserts only. This idea from CiaoFlorentina is an interesting version of a super healthy and easy to make salad, that surely will make you satisfied and full.

Balsamic Chicken Breast with Strawberries

If you are a fan of fruits, but still not willing on giving up meat, this one is for you. Some chicken breast with a hint of basil and red fruits, is the perfect weeknight dinner, since it requires not more than 30 minutes to make, thanks to the instructions from wholesomelicious.

Frozen jogurt covered strawberries

This one is so easy to make, it doesn’t requires instructions, yet so cute it can not be missed from a proper garden party or lunch with friends.

Strawberry jam

The healthy version of jam is made of natural ingredients that are not even hard to find, nor expensive. Try this one from BBC Good Food made with chia seeds and agave syrup.