Johnny’s Bistro

Every bite counts, trust us, we know. It has been our goal to provide quality and affordable foods to all customers with a guaranteed satisfaction out of every bite.
Johnny’s Bistro brings American deliciousness right to you, with the upmost authenticity and cultural experience. In 2012, Johnny, as an obsessed ‘foodie’ from California, envisioned bringing to life a Bistro which allowed Americans abroad to get a taste of home; juicy burgers, tortillas, drenched corn dogs, and of course, root beer. His focus also consisted of providing a family atmosphere with exceptional service to ensure a fulfilling experience. In March of 2014, Johnny passed down his knowledge, expertise, and customer values to Ben Kuti, someone who never fails to go above and beyond for his customers. With his mentor’s lead, Ben followed Johnny’s system of belief: Best for All!
The reputation of Johnny’s has turned the restaurant into a community and place of positive vibes. In here, everybody seems to know each other, no matter what language you speak, or where you are from.
And of course the food: our mission, and our passion. With the most careful hands, and selective ingredients, we promise to feed your stomach and your heart. Johnny’s is the best burger joint in town. We promise a satisfying experience.