Indoor Sports Activities for Rainy Days

“You can’t do any sports in this damp weather,” says each and every person when the fall season hits in. We can’t let you run away with this trumped-up excuse, so here are a few tips on how to get active when it rains.

Gym Sessions

Enjoy the less-sultry-than-in-summer air in the gym, where you’ll feel pretty convenient running on the treadmill while it’s pouring outside. Invite your mates to make it more fun!


Most Budapest districts boast an indoor swimming pool that’s worth visiting with a season ticket. A quick morning swim can lead to more balanced weekdays.

Court Sports

If you’re not into doing sports alone, convince your friends to rent a court once or twice a week. You can opt for squash, tennis, indoor football, basketball or volleyball.


Group Classes

You don’t enjoy team sports, but you’re not a lonely wolf either? Visit group classes such as aerobic, yoga, Pilates, Zumba or other dance classes.


If you don’t want money issues to stop you from getting active, get a student job! Y Generáció student employment agency got your back.