Budapest Bike Maffia a.k.a BBM (the most dynamic growing civil society organization that was founded in 2011) is back again to help the people in need, and NarancsLiget Charity Shop will be there!
NarancsLiget Charity Shop was founded in 2011 by the JDC / MAZS Foundation with the aim of providing financial and mental support to families (with children) in need. They also organize free-to-attend events thanks to both their donors and customers who keep supporting their activity. Visit the shop at Charity Fest and help them by purchasing something from their wide-range of products!
Charity Fest
The upcoming event, Charity Fest will be organized in Nagykovácsi’s beautiful Sztrillich Pál Park, away from the bustling city of Budapest, but only an hour away from the Hungarian capital. Charity Fest takes place on 12 May, with loads of fun programs such as picnic, Dj gigs, bike and walking tours, sport events, yoga classes, open-air cooking, board game parties, music at the campfire, etc. It’s an event where everyone finds something of their interest regardless of age.
Do your part!
The event offers an opportunity for companies to represent themselves and introduce their CSR activity to the visitors. Their participation is guaranteed in return for a charity offer they make to BBM’s foundation, while food vendors can take part at Charity Fest for free, because they support the noble purpose by offering their profit on sold food and beverages. Would you like to compete for a great prize at an open-air cooking contest? Bring your team and win the gastronomical crown! (Don’t worry, the organizers take care of the wood and guarantee a cooking spot). Thanks to BBM’s volunteers, what’s left in the bowl won’t get wasted; they collect and deliver the hot food to the people in need.
Are you interested? Check out the details on the event’s Facebook page by clicking here! Meet you in Nagykovácsi, at NarancsLiget Charity Shop’s stand!