Many desire to improve their physique but don’t know how to start the process. No matter what your driving force is, a personal trainer’s assistance can always come in handy. Life1’s head personal trainer, Tamás Popovics shared his thoughts with us on how a personal trainer instructs and assists people in reaching personal health and fitness goals. We’ve met Tamás at Allee Shopping Mall’s recently opened 1500 square meters fitness complex, where one can find spinning, functional training and aerobic rooms.

What is the training philosophy at Life1?
When creating our training programs, we always make health the #1 priority. With our assistance clients will achieve their fitness goals and improve their quality of life at the same time. Clients are welcome to join our joyful, energetic team, too. Other than getting them engaged in a systematic workout routine, they will experience the benefits of being part of a community. We promote the idea that it’s never late to start exercising. Our aim is to motivate clients at several fields of life not only by helping them boost their physical strength but also by inspiring them to live life to the fullest.

What are the most popular fitness goals your guests would like to achieve?
Fitness goals are determined after a motivational interview between trainer and trainee. A well-defined goal is always attainable. It’s important that the training program should adapt to the client’s lifestyle, not vica versa. Regardless of how great the training program is, it will never work if certain factors prevent our clients from fitting it into their lifestyle. A motivational interview is a great opportunity to find out more about their past regarding sports, former injuries, and eating habits.
When is the best time to work out?
It depends on the client’s lifestyle. After a stressful workday people probably won’t bring their A-game, and the trainer should be fast to recognize when to make changes in the exercise plan to avoid causing extra pressure.

What is the very first training like?
Clients go through a complex body analysis including Tanita Body Composition Scale that is supposed to measure muscle weight, body fat percentage, how much water the body stocks as well as how muscles and fat spreads around the body. A functional exercise scale is also used to detect any warning signs and to estimate movement competence.
Is the personal trainer’s presence always necessary?
After learning how to do certain exercises properly, clients can work out at home, too. What we are talking about now are breathing and mobilization exercises which trainers also suggest their clients to do as “homework”.
How often should one exercise with a personal trainer on a weekly basis?
Someone with an active lifestyle could come as much as three times a week, but for complete beginners 1-2 occasions are enough. It also depends on the client’s age and other factors. Personal trainers aim at making a noticeable change in their clients’ lifestyle, but it’s important to make enough time for relaxation, too.
How can personal trainers motivate their clients?
It is impossible to motivate someone who isn’t feeling it at all, and only do the exercises because of an external driving force. Instead, we can help those who really want to make a change.
Photos by: Krisztina Németh