Spring is fastly approaching, and it’s worth spending time on relaxing and recharging your batteries. Based on what we know about the many positive benefits of music, we’ve got a great suggestion for you.
The Winter Passes for season 2017/2018 are still valid, and an incredible performance is available from Zuglo Philharmonics on 3 March. Here is a little introduction about it get you in the mood!
Incurable Romantics at Vigadó
From time to time, Zuglo Philharmonics’ young talents get the opportunity to perform independently, which results in unforgettable moments on stage. Previously Júlia Gyermán (violin), Zita Zárbok (viola) and Mátyás Katrin (clarinet) performed in the venue as a special act. This time, young and ambitious double-bass player, Marcell Dénes-Worowski steals the spotlight by taking over the role of the conductor. The performance of 3 March is presenting a great romantic repertoire including the works of Beethoven, Wagner and Grieg’s wonderful Piano Concerto, featuring the promising pianist Katalin Gonda, the winner of Los Angeles International Liszt Competition.

Everyone knows that cultural programs have a great effect on the general health, so do something for yourself by attending this charming winter concert. You will enjoy it!
3rd March, 5 PM
Vigadó Concert Hall Winter Season Pass IV/4.
Richard Wagner: Tannhäuser – overture
Edvard Grieg: Piano concerto in a minor (featuring Katalin Gonda)
Ludwig van Beethoven: Simphony in A major No. 7 op. 92
Conductor: Marcell Dénes-Worowski
Tickets are available online, the prices go from 2100 Ft to 4200 Ft.