Here Comes the Hungarian Culture Day

Today we celebrate the Hungarian culture. Why? We will let you know…

22 January is the anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian National Anthem, written in 1823 by famous poet Ferenc Kölcsey (one of the most important literature caharcter) who finished the manuscript of the anthem in this day in Cseke. This date is the celebration of the Hungarian Culture, which have been held since 1989 in every year across the globe in Hungary as well as abroad. For example it is a 4-day annual cultural festival in Dublin. Hungarian cultural  and art institutes around the world are preparing special events to commemorate the day to pay more attention to Hungarian millennial traditions, to the roots and strengthening of national identity. It is the demonstartion of values what is important to invoke to the next generation.  Furthermore awards related to Hungarian culture and education are also be solemnly handed over on this day.