Winter Wine Guide

Great wine starts with geography, and considering its soil diversity, Balaton Wine Region is quite a gem. The below wineries are here to prove that.

Pócz Winery

8638 Balatonlelle, Kishegy telep 0107/6.

Balatonlelle’s Pócz Winery can be found 4 kilometres away from Lake Balaton, on picturesque Kishegy. Its bistro-style restaurant is open from Friday to Sunday, ready to impress guests with divine meals and locally bottled wine specialties which carry the unique characteristics of the soil and climate.

Kislaki Borkert

8691 Balatonboglár-Szőlőskislak, Fő utca 44.

Everyone who is interested in all things wine and vinery is welcome at Kislaki Wine Garden in Szőlőkislak, 3 kilometres from Balatonboglár. In the autumn/winter season you have to make an appointment to visit the winery, and to take part in an exclusive wine tasting and vineyard tour led by winemaker Légli Géza. Kislaki wines can also be purchased outside of Szőlőkislak, at three different wine shops in Budapest.

Zelna Wine Bar And Shop

8230 Balatonfüred, Zákonyi Ferenc utca 3-5.

Zelna Wine Bar and Shop is situated right next to the newly built fountain on Zákonyi Ferenc street, in Balatonfüred. The stylish bar with a shady terrace primarily boasts Zelna wines, alongside delicious and surprising dishes. You can find and taste here the winery’s Bárka estate wines, just like their first traditional sparkling wine that has been available on the market for a few months. The family-run wine bar is a great choice if you want to get familiar with the wines of the young winemaker generation in the Balatonfüred-Csopak wine region.

Borbély Winery

8258 Badacsonytomaj, Káptalantóti út 19.

The love and respect for wine, Badacsony’s beautiful landscape and the family’s vineyards have been influencing Borbély Winery’s life for decades. Their motto is: A Good Taste of Badacsony, therefore they put special emphasis on traditional winemaking and white wine varieties, especially Welshriesling, which are characteristic of the region. Their Nász a Bácson Welshriesling (2016) has been awarded Best Riesling of the County for the second time in 2019. It’s only available at their winery, where homemade delicacies are also served at the table.