‘The Horde’ Can Be Last Seen In Theatre Tomorrow

Attila Kun’s play, The Horde can be last seen this season in Bethlen Téri Theatre tomorrow.

„The members of the horde do those things which are dictated by the folk and roving music; they act as their environment wishes – which does not endure changing. It is a constant readiness, a fight for their lives – while the audience feels the sweet drops of liberation from the constraint of the modern and conventional world.”
(Petrova Miroljuba, KET Blog, 24.04.2013)

It has been a long time since Attila Kun last produced a full-evening piece in Hungary. On the other hand, it is the first time that Central Europe Dance Theatre dances his choreography. Considering that this work is the 85th in the CEDT’s life Kun was about to create a determinative work. Kun has invited Felix Lajkó’s music to this journey which has an instinctive connection with nature and with man living in nature. Lajkó’s music excludes culture but not the culture that appears on stage or in exhibition halls, rather the culture of man – of the people living in the Carpathian Basin.

This is how the Horde was created.

The title can be interpreted as a small community of people, who create a group to make life more liveable, but it can also be understood as a destructive horde which destroys its own habitat following some kind of indescribable urge. The piece investigates the spiritual dilemma of the creative man. The dilemma is the “provision” of man broken away from nature.

Dusa Gábor

This “provision” is not without memories and the desire to return to nature. It is not without any sense of humour, humanity or magic that helps us through everything. It is not without formulating the retaining power of the family.

For more info, click HERE.