Entertain Me by Cie Kata Juhasz at Bethlen Square Theatre

Back to the traditions of Bethlen Square Theatre and beyond: a piece of contemporary cabaret in search for answers to such sensitive questions as  why do we need entertainment, how do we like to be entertained and why so?


But they will not TELL you: instead, they let their audience be invited for an adventure through the different genres of pop-culture guided by Elvis Presley, the vice-pope of physical theatre!


Choreography: Kata Juhasz

Performers: Dorina Darago, András Déri, Endre Kertész, Krisztián Szilágyi, Rita Tokai

Music: Atilla Gergely, Endre Kertész

“A little less conversation, a little more action” on 8 March, 7 pm at Bethlen Square Theatre! 

Tickets: http://www.bethlenszinhaz.hu/jegyvasarlas/

More Info: http://www.bethlenszinhaz.hu/english/