The 3rd Hungarian Film Week invites you to sing together with the children’s choir of the Bakáts Téri Elementary School, which also contributed to Kristóf Deák’s Academy Award-winning short film ‘Sing’, in Cinema City Aréna.
On the 4th day of the festival, ‘Szürke senkik’ will be screened at 4.15 pm on Thursday. The World War I movie is about an Austrian-Hungarian-Romanian reconnaissance team that tries to scout an Italian camp. After the screening the filmmakers will be around for discussion.
Also at 4.15 pm, ‘Az égig érő fa – A küszöb’, a Hungarian animation movie will be played. The filmviewers can have a chat with the directors, Márton Nagy, Márton Kovács, and Árpád Hermann between 5.15 and 6.15 pm.
At 6.00 pm István Kovács’s documentary, ‘Asszonyok lázadása’ will be screened, which will be followed by a discussion with the filmmakers.
At 5.15 pm let’s celebrate together the success of Kristóf Deák’s ‘Mindenki – Sing’ by singing with the children’s choir of the Bakáts Téri elementary school which appeared in the movie. After the singing the Academy Award-winning film will be broadcasted in room 8.
The screening of Pál Sándor’s ‘Szerencsés Dániel’, which was restored by Filmarchívum, will close the 4th day of the festival at 6.30 pm.
On Friday, 3 March, István Szabó’s ‘Szerelmesfilm’ restored by Filmarchívum will be showed to the public at 5.45 pm. Later on that day, Szilárd Bernáth’s short film, ‘Fizetős nap’ will tell the story of a bunch of usurers and their preys.
On the last day of the festival, 4 March, Zoltán Fábri’s 100th birthday will be celebrated. The award-winning director’s movie from 1968, ‘Pál utcai fiúk’ (The Paul Street Boys) will be broadcasted at 4.30 pm in room 10. At 3.45 pm István Tasnádi’s ‘MEMO’ starring Tamás Lengyel and Péter Haumann will be on air with a discussion following the screening. The comedy of ‘Jutalomjáték’ (The Carer) can be seen at 5.30 pm, while after the screening of ‘A martfűi rém’ Árpád Sospits director holds a public discussion between 7.30 and 8.00 pm. The filmviewers can also meet András Surányi, the director of ‘Kocsis: Intim megvilágításban’ between 9.45 and 10.15 pm.