FUNZINE on the Red Carpet: Academy Awards at Anker’t

Budapest Secret Cinema teamed up with to organize their annual Oscar-watching party this year, too and the FUNZINE team will also be on the spot!

The date is 26 February and the venue is one of the most popular downtown ruin bars, Anker’t. If you’re a real movie geek, watching the Academy Award broadcast each and every year, excitedly waiting for that envelope to be opened and occasionally tearing up on the acceptance speeches – this is definitely your place to be! The chief editor of FUNZINE will participate in the round table discussions and you can follow our live coverage in both English and Hungarian language on our renewed website! 

The screening will be accompanied by music and games, plus we can also cheer for another Hungarian production, Sing (directed by Kristóf Deák), which is nominated for Best Live Action Short Film! Don’t forget to take part in the quiz, either, as you can win 4 tickets to Cirko cinema!

19:30 Gate opening
20:00 Oscar-awarded movie screening
22:00 Oscar quiz by QuizNight
23:00 Talks on chances
24:00 Movie and Salon Music by Drazsé
01:00 Red Carpet
02:30 And the Oscar Goes To…