DownMall European Championship at Árkád

Once more, Árkád will make a home for the local race of DownMall European Championship, bringing great excitement and some of the coolest, most spectacular indoor tricks and stunts, all on 4 February!

The group of Eastern Gravity will deliver a show filled with adrenalin: their product, DownMall was born in the Czech Republic and soon became internationally recognized around the continent. Between 1 PM and 5 PM on 4 February, you can feel the scud at Árkád for the second time this year!


The concept of the entertaining extreme shows of indoor cycling came to life six years ago and became a continental tournament, including several cities across Europe. The first two races took place in Essen, then Frankfurt, the third will be held in Budapest and the last one will be organized in Prague, closing the championship on 11 February.

Árkád awaits DownMall with a redesigned track, where no less than 30 cyclists will compete to be the fastest. The challenge includes four escalators, a huge rally, and other spectacular elements to make it even more breathtaking. The track, compared to last year’s, got even shorter making every inch count. Besides the thrilling races – two rounds and the finals – the BMX and Mountain Bike shows will also keep you entertained while strolling through the mall: with 4-4 categories throughout three rounds, bike enthusiasts can have a look at the marvelous stunts even before 4 February as the DownMall installation will be set a week before the actual date in Árkád. Trophies, souvenirs and relics will also be showcased during the time of the tournament’s Budapest races, so real fans will surely have the chance to add new pieces to their DownMall collection!