What Are Your Summer Plans?

Summer is here, which means it’s high time for university students to relax. Wait a moment, isn’t it the best time of the year for funding your all-year projects? Let’s see how you can avoid having money issues in the next few months.

Write down what you need

Are you aware of all the things you’ll need for the next semester? Make a long-term shopping list, and start saving now! Do you need to purchase a laptop, pay the rent, the tuition fee, or get your thesis bound? Write everything down, and calculate the money you’ll need.

Find a student job

Look for a job that helps you earn the money for achieving your goals, but doesn’t bore you to death. Y Generáció student employment agency offers you – and your friends if you opt for spending the summer days with them – such summer jobs.

Keep your goals in mind

After a month spent working, you’ll be tired and fed up with everything, and all you’ll want is to relax. Beep! You’ve just got a text from the bank that your salary has landed on your bank account. Suddenly, it feels great to get a reward for all your hard work. Watch out! You shouldn’t spend all your money in two weeks. Remember what you’re saving up for.

Budgeting, aka where does the money go?

The whole point of budgeting is to know where your money comes from, and how much money you need to cover your expenses. Write down all your incomes and expenses in a notebook, or download an app to do so. This way you’ll see how much you’ve spent and on what. You should aim to save just as much money by the end of the month as your balance sheet shows.

Reward yourself

It’s important to reward yourself for all your efforts. Buy something new, eat out with your friends, go to the cinema, or treat yourself anyhow! Don’t give up even if you couldn’t save up as much money as you’ve wanted. If you’ve at least tried to fill your balance sheet, you deserve something special.